User Guide
Working with Script Repository
The Script Repository screen allows you to manage the scripts that are applied to search results for remediation. Expand a section for more information:

1. From the left menu, click Settings.
2. Click Script Repository.
3. Scripts are displayed in a list sorted by:
- Script Name
- Script Description
- File Name
- Script Status
- More options
4. Click a the Script Status column to sort ascending.
5. Click the Script Status column again to sort descending.

1. Your can search for scripts by
- Name
- Description
- File Name
2. Type the search query in the box and the results are sorted and displayed in the list below.
3. Click the x to clear the search term.

1. In the top-right of the screen, click Actions.
2. Click Create Playbook.
3. In the Custom Script Detail pop-up window, fill in the following:
a. Script Name: Type the name of the script.
b. Script Description: Type the description of the script.
c. Upload Script: Click blue search lens icon () to search and upload a script file.
4. Click Save to proceed or Cancel to discard.

1. Click Actions.
2. Click Export.
3. A .csv format file is downloaded to you local computer.

You can view or edit the details of a script:
1. Locate a script in the Script Repository table.
2. In the far right column, click the more options menu (...).
3. Click View Details.
4. The Custom Script Details pop-up window is displayed. Make changes to any of the following:
a. Script Name: Type the script name.
b. Script Description: Type the script description.
c. Upload Script: Click the lens icon () to upload a script file from your local computer.
5. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to discard.

To delete a script:
1. Locate a script in the Script Repository table.
2. In the far right column, click the more options menu (...).
3. Click Delete Script.
4. Click Confirm to confirm deletion or Cancel to discard.